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What are the important questions for ME6703 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) ?

4 Answers

  1. *Anna university nov Dec 2018 important questions unit wise question pattern*

    *????10.11.2018-computer integrated manufacturing system????*

    *11.a) (i)Elements of cim*
    *(ii) mathematical models of production performance*
    *(b)(i)levels of automation*
    *(ii) lean production,JIT production*

    *(ii) Shop Floor Control*
    *b)(i)Material Requirement Planning,APP,MPS*
    *(ii)Capacity planning*

    *13)(a)(i) Group technology*
    *(ii) MICLASS and OPITZ coding system*
    *b)(i) production flow analysis,machine cell design and layouts.*

    *14)a)(i) flexibility and it’s types.*
    *(ii)how AGVs are guided,safety system in AGVs.*
    *b)(i)components of FMS*
    *(ii)(FMS) layout*

    *15)a)(i) different types of robots.*
    *(ii) Basic Robot configuration*
    *b)(i)working principle of position sensors.varies parts of a robot with neat sketch*
    *(ii) explain the Robot programming languages in detail*

    ????????LL THE BEST????

    • 2

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